For Parents

Please register your child via kita finder+. Please register your child via kita finder+. It is best if you have also attended one of our information sessions, which are offered regularly. On this day, we will answer all of your questions, e.g. about settling in, daily routine, nutrition, etc. If you have not pre-registered before and are interested in a place, you can pre-register later. With the pre-registration you are automatically on our waiting list. As soon as a place becomes available according to your pre-registration, we will contact you and invite you to further information meetings at our facility.

Once you have registered online, you will automatically receive a confirmation.

No, you do not have to re-register. As long as you are registered with us in kita finder+, you will be on our waiting list.

We usually fill vacant daycare and kindergarten places every year (in April). How many places become available depends on how many children enter kindergarten or school. During the year, there are always vacancies when families leave us, e.g. due to relocation.

You will receive detailed information about this at the first informational meeting before the start of care, as well as a list of things your child will need. A child usually needs 2 to 4 weeks to settle in gently. The settling-in period is completed as soon as a child has accepted the educator as a caregiver and can be comforted by her. In this case, you will come to the nursery from the following week, depending on the booking time.

Once you have become acquainted with our facility and you are interested in a place, you will receive a care contract from us. You should have signed and returned this contract within 7 working days at the latest. Afterwards we will check the availability of the place again to exclude overlaps. If all points are clarified, you will receive the countersigned contract back within 5 working days.

07:30 – 09:00
Welcome and free play and free breakfast

09:00 – 11:30
Morning circle, targeted encouragement and free play, diapering

11:30 – 12:30
Lunch together, washing, brushing teeth

12:30 – 14:00
Rest and bedtime, quiet activities, free snack time

14:00 – 17:00
Targeted encouragement and free play, farewells

The children should be brought in no later than 8:30 a.m. so that they have time to arrive before the activities. Until breakfast, at 9:00, the children have the opportunity for free play.

Uns ist es wichtig, dass die Kinder ein ausgewogenes Frühstück und Brotzeit dabei haben. Deshalb bitten wir Sie, Ihrem Kindergarten-Kind ein abwechslungsreiches und gesundes Frühstück mitzugeben. Äpfel oder sonstiges Obst schneiden bzw. schälen wir gerne für die Kinder. Bitte geben Sie Ihren Kindern keine Süßigkeiten mit. Zum Mittagessen gibt es meistens einen Nachtisch, wie Obst, etc.

Das Mittagessen wird von der Naturkost Strohmaier GmbH jeden Tag frisch gekocht und geliefert. Die verwendeten Bio-Lebensmittel werden soweit verfügbar aus regionalem Bio-Anbau bezogen. Die Ernährung richtet sich nach dem Konzept von OptimiX (Optimierte Mischkost), das zur Sicherstellung einer gesunden Ernährung von Kindern und Jugendlichen vom Forschungsinstitut für Kinderernährung in Dortmund (FKE) entwickelt wurde. Dieses Ernährungskonzept entspricht den heutigen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen.

Natürlich berücksichtigen wir auch mögliche allergiebedingte Vorgaben und Einschränkungen. Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihre Wünsche mit, damit wir eine gemeinsame Planung erstellen können.

It is important to us that the children have a balanced breakfast and snack with them. Therefore, we ask you to provide your kindergarten child with a varied and healthy breakfast. We are happy to cut or peel apples or other fruit for the children. Please do not give your children sweets. For lunch, there is usually a dessert, such as fruit, etc.

Lunch is freshly cooked and delivered every day by Naturkost Strohmaier GmbH. The organic food used is sourced from regional organic cultivation as far as available. The diet is based on the OptimiX concept (Optimized Mixed Diet), which was developed by the Research Institute for Child Nutrition in Dortmund (FKE) to ensure a healthy diet for children and adolescents. This nutritional concept is in line with current scientific findings.

Of course, we also take into account possible allergy-related specifications and restrictions. Please let us know your wishes so that we can make a joint plan.

The foundation for the development of favorable eating habits is laid in early childhood. Since our kindergarten children spend most of the day at the KITA, it is important to us to contribute to their healthy nutrition, because the health of our children is very important to us.

We participate with the kindergarten in the EU School Program – Fruit, Vegetables, Milk and Dairy Products for Bavaria’s Children, which is financed by the Free State of Bavaria as well as by funds from the European Union. Our participation in this program makes a valuable contribution to children’s health education. The aim is to increase the appreciation of fruit, vegetables and dairy products and to integrate them more into the children’s daily routine.

Once a week, we receive a free supply of fresh regional fruit and/or vegetables, as well as milk and dairy products such as yogurt, quark, etc., which are available to the children daily for breakfast, lunch and snack. The varieties vary according to seasonal availability.

Tips for parents

Depending on your tax situation, you may be able to claim childcare fees from your tax office. You can find more information on the tax consideration of childcare costs here. In any case, you should also consult your tax advisor.

In order to facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life, the legislator supports measures taken by the employer to accommodate and care for children who are not of school age. Talk to your employer, perhaps he also supports these measures.

Childcare costs can be partially or fully reimbursed depending on income. For this purpose, an application according to § 90 SGB VIII must be submitted to your responsible Sozialbürgerhaus. For more information, please contact your local Sozialbürgerhaus or Jugendamt.